
Folded Gallbladder

I am looking for recommendations for folded gallbladder. This was picked up on imgaging for me. I notice some of my digestive symptoms are due to my gallbladder. More bloating, burping, and I find my digestion improves when I exercise. Looking for best nutrients for support. Leciting or choline, liver…

How to Reduce gut pH without exacerbating bladder pain-F, 61, Autoimmune,

Please can I have some support/recommendations for a very complex client who is very sensitive to changes. I have been working with her for just over a month. Menopausal Female, 61, with Fibromyalgia & autoimmune Erosive Lichen Planus that affects oral and genital tissues (vulvodynia). Bladder pain (interstitial cystitis) has…

Beta-Plus Reaction

Hi there, I have a px who took 1 cap of Biotics Beta-Plus and said this: ” bought the Beta-Plus and took 1 with my breakfast…holy moly…I had an awful night sleep, awake so many times with a headache and feeling awful and when I got up in the morning I…

61yo F, biliary colic, poss UTI, leading to change in bowel movements

Hello, I would appreciate any insight into what could be going on with my client. F, 61. History of rheumatic fever leading to heart valve damage as a child, now mechanical valves and taking warfarin, digoxin and ramipril. She has been my client for a few years now – initially…

Biliary Cirrhosis

I have a new client who has Primary Biliary Cirrhosis, she has lots of digestive problems such as heartburn, belching, occasional diarrhoea. She recently had a blood test , results are TSH : 38.23, T4 :13.9, LH 109, FSH 129. The doctor has increased Levothyroxine to 125mg per day but…

Biliary Sludge,

Hi there. I have a client who has been diagnosed with biliary sludge and recommended to have her gallbladder removed. The doctor has put her on Questran powder to be sprinkled on her breakfast. She came to me because she wanted to try a more naturopathic approach. I’ve started sorting…

High phospholipids and pain around gallbladder

I have been working with a female client age 45 for a few months now. She came to me as she had been struggling with high levels of pain around the gallbladder area and also referred pain to the right shoulder. She has had several investigations and scans and everything…

Caroli Disease

Female, 35 years, 162cm, 51kg suffering with Caroli disease I am seeing this new client on Tuesday who is suffering with problems of digestive distress with symptoms of diarrhoea and stomach cramps after eating, especially after eating fatty foods. She also suffers with constipation, bloating and fatigue, and raised heart…

54 yo female excruciating pain on-and-off for 2 years, & vomiting

My client, female, age 54, has been experiencing excruciating pain on-and-off since Christmas of 2016 in the right hypocondrium. Started as a dull ache, which progressively got worse. Ended up with unexplained bruising on calves and vomiting black tarry fluid, after which point she felt much better. Saw GP, who…

47 yo M gallbladder removal & excess nausea & vomiting

Gall bladder removal and excess nausea and vomiting I have just seen a new male client aged 47yrs, weight 86Kg (6’4″) who had urgent gall bladder removal surgery in October 2016 following a year or so of unknown pains that he just kept taking painkillers for. He has a high…

47 yo M with Gall bladder removal and excess nausea and vomiting

I have just seen a new male client aged 47yrs, weight 86Kg (6’4″) who had urgent gall bladder removal surgery in October 2016 following a year or so of unknown pains that he just kept taking painkillers for. He has a high profile, extremely high pressure job and was unfortunately…


Presenting with metabolic syndrome, thyroid and gallbladder removal. Taking 22 pills of medication a day. How to help? 62 year old female (American), 5 foot 6 inches, 168/170 pounds. Describes life in Qatar with Qatari husband very stressful. Presenting with; Diabetes (type 2) 4-5 years ago diagnosed (taking metaformin for…

64 yo F with gallbladder removed

Female 64 years old, gallbladder removed 6 years ago. CDSA reveals fat malabsorption and current presenting symptoms include belching accompanied by nausea. SIBO seems likely given symptoms and overgrowth of a number of commensal bacteria, and is being tackled with anti-microbials, as well as possible low HCL. She also suffered…


Gallstones – how permanent is eradication of gallstone formation? I have a female client aged 46 who had a painful colic attach last summer and was diagnosed with gallstones. She decided she would prefer to avoid surgery if possible and saw a herbalist who gave her some dietary advice and…

40s yo F with gallstones

Dietary advice for patient with gallstones I have a female patient in her 40s looking for dietary advice for weight loss. She has gallstones. I am wondering whether healthy fats should be included in the diet at all? Also, are there any specific nutrients/supplements indicated here? Any advice would be…

36 yo F with Liver/biliary

Female 36y is complaining of bitter taste in all food/drink. Liver/biliary support? Female 36y is complaining of bitter taste in all food/drink since her first consultation 2wks ago. She had presented with fatigue, raised cholesterol, upper GI gas and recurrent thrush all since a splenectomy Apr2011. This was done after…

Recurrent Diahrroea following Gall Bladder removal.

Has anyone had experience or recommend research into effective nutritional therapy protocols please? I have undertaken some research on the use of Beta Plus by Biotics Research but I have to form a view as to whether this would make a difference. Thanks Rachel

51 yo F with gallbladder operation went wrong

51yr old female client, who had gallbladder removed 5 yrs ago. The operation went wrong – bile duct cut, then removed and next day had a Retrocolic Hepaticojejunostomy. Has been ill since. Since op has been suffering with acid reflux all the time, can’t tolerate fatty foods (incl oily fish),…

30 yo F with gallbladder removed

30year old lady who had gallbladder removed 4 months ago. Main symptom constipation/IBS. She was on a very low fibre, high sugar diet. We have looked at removing gluten, reducing refined sugars and increasing soluble fibre but this has lead to bloating and severe cramping in her RHS. She is…