
Antioxidant Recommendation for Post Ischemic Stroke and Type 2 Diabetes

A 62-year-old male with a medical history of post ischemic stroke and Type 2 Diabetes. The patient’s current medications include Metformin, Glimepiride, Tizanidine, Mecobalamin, Candesartan 8mg, Atorvastatin 20mg, and Clopidogrelz He has expressed interest in taking CoQ10 as an antioxidant. However, there is a concern regarding the potential interaction between…

T2DM, Supplementation & Approach for Potential Reduction in Medication

I’m relatively new to practice and seeking your wisdom and experience in working with T2DM please. My client is a female, aged 62, BMI 28.6, diagnosed with T2DM over 12 years ago, following the death of her mother and a highly stressful period caring for her, while also continuing to…

When all else fails

I am due to see a client this week.  As yet, I don’t have a lot of information, but I know the following. Male 63 years BMI 44.6, recently diagnosed with T2DM. He has ‘tried everything’ over the years to lose weight including many different diets, hypnosis and even bariatric…

42 yo M with Diabetes and Mental Health issues

42 Male with Diabetes and Mental Health issues 42 year old male, who is undertaking therapy work for childhood issues that still affect him mentally now. Five years diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 18 months diagnosed with mild hypertension Recovering from an acute bout of cholecystitis BMI is currently around…


I have a client with high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, prostate cancer & has recently had a double heart bypass. He drinks, smokes & only eats meat & potatoes. His wife brought him to see me about his weight & his health (he didn’t really want to be there…


Hi, I am due to see a client, male, early forties, who has diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and cirrhosis. Cirrhosis has been recently diagnosed, I do not know about the onset of the other two diseases, but they started before the cirrhosis. I am in particular interested in advice in relation…

65 yo M with Diabetes Peeing

Diabetes type 2 which has been mostly reversed with NT since we started working 2 years ago. Lost weight/ ideal weight now. Good energy. Some times dizzy (when does not eat on time/protein), Remaining issue: gets up to pass urine every hour every night. HAd history of bedwetting until he…

72 yo M with Bowel health

I saw a 72 year old male last week who had a whole cocktail of health issues, summarised below. Initially I have only introduced a few subtle dietary changes but due to my clients age (72) I’m not sure how compliant he is going to be which is why I…

60 yo F with diabetic overweight

My client, 60 is overweight and also has high blood pressure, but her diet is very good and has been for the past 2 years. Her hip to waist ratio is 0.83 so moderate risk. She goes to the gym 5 days a week. Recently she has had bloods suger…

66 yo F with leaky gut on diabetes meds

Hi Dr Todd, Client rang this morning saying that since taking the medication & which one could it be that her blood sugar reading is up to 10 wheras previously it was 5.6 – I said it couldnt be the probiotic so she thought it may be the Permavite? On…

66 yo F with Leaky gut on diabetes meds

I have a 66yr old F client who is on the following meds: Clopidogrel, Metformin, Pravastatin, Ezetamed, Glicazide & Zantac (Sp?) To start some gut healing re ‘leaky-gut’ & yeast intolerance. Will go with a Non – Dairy probiotic (as per her test results) & would like to use L-Glutamine.…

66 yo M with type 2 diabetes, recent stroke, very low BS first thing

66 Year old male, long history of diabetes type 2. In April suffered a stroke, seems to have no long term damage, although more tests being conducted. He is on a range of medications – see below. He is seeking my help with his blood sugar and to help him…

16 yr boy ongoing exhaustion, falling asleep daytime, brain fog, hunger, dizziness at times frequent urination, thirsty, red flags for diabetes since sept 2018.

Seeing chronic fatigue UCLH chronic Fatigue clinic very soon. Till summer 2018 bad diet, sugar laden. Changed his diet. Currently diet not bad. Previous history prednisolone corticosteroid for asthma attacks.  Allergic to dust mites, nuts, eggs. Septoplasty nov 2018 for deviated septum. Unsuccessful. Recommended returning  to the consultant about this.…

Brain Hamorrhage

Brain hemorrhage in 61 year old male Please could anyone help me with my concerns regarding my dear brother. He had a bad fall just before Christmas, he is a diabetic and had a hypo in the middle of the night. The fall occurred in his bathroom and he hit…

Athlete Diabetes

Hi, elite athlete with insulin resistance and diagnosed pre-diabetes. She is 41 years old, and has been struggling to fuel her sport without putting on weight. It seems she has recently changed her diet to a ketogenic diet and mostly avoids gluten as child coeliac. Not too sure how to…

30 yo M with Friedreich’s Ataxia (FA)

I have a 30 year old male coming to my clinic tomorrow. He has Friedreich’s Ataxia, is wheelchair bound and currently on the meds Toviaz (8mg) and Lioresal (10mg). He is currently taking a Pharmaton Multi and CoQ10 (I don’t know amounts). His symptoms are muscle cramps, restless legs, fatigue,…

73 yo F with Diabeties

Need some advice on pre-diabetic case. Female, age 73, 5ft 7in tall, weight 9 stone 7lbs. Main concern – pre-diabetic. I have had her on a diet to balance blood sugar with which she seems to be very compliant. She did have very loose bowel movements but these have improved…

55 yo M with Type 2 Diabetes

Male 55yrs; Type 2 Diabetes, worsening symptoms; weight loss has plateaued, lost 11kg in one year, cannot lose any more, by Anita Wicks Recently diagnosed diabetic retinopathy, tired, unrestful sleep, burning thirst am’s. Lost 11kg, now 91.8kg – BM29, unable to lose more weight since Nov’15. Difficulty exercising due to…