AFMCP Graduate Finder
If you’ve read about what we teach and want to find a practitioner who has trained in Functional Medicine principles. This is the place for you! All attendees of the Institute for Functional Medicine’s core training programme undertake a 5 day training programme called Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice (AFMCP).
AFMCP teaches healthcare practitioners to more effectively integrate science, research, and clinical insights to treat and prevent disease and maintain health. Established and emerging diagnostics, therapeutics, and prevention strategies are extensively covered. AFMCP integrates these approaches through the Functional Medicine Matrix Model (an innovative and practical assessment tool) and the emphasis on a therapeutic partnership between patient and practitioner.
Topics include:
- Gastrointestinal dysfunction and its links to chronic disease
- Nutritionally focused assessment and treatment
- Food sensitivities, allergies, and intolerances
- Inflammation and immune dysregulation
- Toxins, toxicity, and impaired biotransformation
- Insulin resistance and cardiometabolic syndrome
- Hormonal imbalance including adrenal, thyroid, and sex hormones
- Oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and fatigue
Attendees who attended the UK programme and have chosen to share their details are below and open to new consultations.